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What are Public Accounts?

Public Accounts connect you to the brands, businesses and public figures that you care about

About GLS Slovenia

GLS Slovenia je mednarodni paketni distributer. S svojimi Depo centri, Paketnimi trgovinami in GLS Paketomati pokriva področje celotne Slovenije na več kot 900 lokacijah. Na slovenskem tržišču zastopajo večinski delež na področju B2C dostave. Nastopajo z naprednimi logističnimi rešitvami, kot sta dostava v treh urah in vračila za nakupe v spletnih trgovinah. Edini slovenski distributer z lastnim Fulfillment centrom. Omogočajo distribucijo tako podjetjem, kot fizičnim osebam.

Viber is a free messaging and calling app

What is Viber?

Viber is a free messaging and calling app that allows people to connect with friends and family - no matter who they are or where they are from. With Viber you can:

  • Express yourself with thousands of unique stickers and GIFs
  • Gain quick access to the best videos, music and online services directly inside your chats
  • Use Public Accounts to be closer to the brands, businesses and public figures that you care about
  • Connect securely - all communications on Viber are protected by end-to-end encryption

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