How to call Japan from the USA | Viber

How to call Japan from the USA

How to call Japan from the USA blog

Calling Japan from the USA used to be an expensive option using a traditional and complicated calling method. Now, there is an easier and quicker option – the Viber Out way. Cost-effective and simple with no hidden fees; an alternative calling service that will not break the bank.

Getting Started

Japan has one time zone, GMT+9, which makes it easy to know the time in Japan when you call. However, the USA has 9 time zones so make sure not to wake anyone up before you figure out the time difference. Once you’ve worked out when is best to call, you could opt for one of these options to make your call. You’ll soon see why the Viber Out way is that much easier and preferable!

Call Japan Landlines and Cellular Numbers – the Complex Way

Calling Japan in the past meant having to go through all the next steps.

011 – The USA exit code, which needs to be dialed whenever you’re making an international call from the USA or Canada.

+81 – Japan calling code before the local number.

Area code – Check out this list of Japan area codes to find the one you need.

Phone number – depending on whether you are calling a mobile or a landline, the area code will change. The phone number will either be made up of 7 or 8 digits.

This is an example of what your call to Japan from the USA should look like:

(USA exit code)(Japan calling code)(area code)(phone number)





Call Japan Landlines and Cellular Numbers- the Simple and Cost-Effective Way

With Viber Out not only will you have less of a headache trying to make your call, but you will also be saving money!

Calling with Viber Out means going through the following easy steps:

If you are calling a contact simply click on the contact and hit Viber Out call. Make sure the number has +country code and area code if needed.

Otherwise go to the dial pad and enter the following:

+81 – Japan calling code.

Area code – Check out this list of Japan area codes to find the one you need when calling landlines. You don’t need an area code when calling a mobile number.

Local number you’re interested in calling.

Viber Out lets you make low-rate calls to Japan from 3.0¢* per minute to landlines and 9.8¢* per minute for mobile. You can place a call to any location in Japan and save even more money by choosing a credit or monthly subscription calling plan, with the latter saving you a whopping 90% on your monthly calls!

So no matter who you’re calling in Japan, there’s no reason for it to be an agonizing or stressful experience. With Viber Out, making calls has never been more simple. Give it a try today!


*Rates are subject to change

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