Good Vibes: 4 Stories That Will Put a Smile on Your Face

Good Vibes

It seems that the world is in need of some positive news, all the more reason we decided to look for 4 good vibes stories to put a smile on your face, and make your day a whole lot better. From a 98-year-old mom who moved into her 80-year-old son’s care home so she could look after him to the story of the dog who found a forever home with the couple whose wedding he crashed, there’s so much good to spread around. Take a minute and think about what you can do to make the world a better place.

98-Year-Old Mom Moves Into Care Home To Look After Her 80-Year-Old Son

They say being a parent is a never-ending job, but in the case of Ada Keating, 98, and her eldest son Tom, 80, it couldn’t be more true. Ada and her late husband Harry had four children – Tom, Barbara, Margi and Janet. Since 2016, her son Tom has been living at the Moss View Care Home in Liverpool, England. As the devoted mother that she is, Ada couldn’t let her son be all alone and soon joined him there so that the two could spend more time together, playing games and watching their favorite television series. As Ada put it, “you never stop being a mom… I say goodnight to Tom in his room every night and I’ll go and say good morning to him.”

Stranger Gifts Barbershop to the “Hairdresser to the Homeless”

About a year ago Brennon Jones made headlines for giving haircuts to homeless people on the streets of Philadelphia. The free haircuts included some food, clothing and toiletries Brennon supplied his clients. Little did he know that his own act of kindness would inspire a complete stranger and fellow barber, Sean Johnson, to gift him with a fully renovated barber shop. Sean was planning on expanding his barbershop down the street but changed his mind when he heard about Brennon’s initiative. As Brennon recalled to Fox 29, “He said listen, I’ve got a building I want you to come check out. He said do you like this place?  I said yeah I like it, he tossed me the key and said it’s yours.” The barbershop just opened with set days for the homeless, and couldn’t come at a better time – Brennon was wondering how he’d manage to continue haircuts on the street during the winter months.

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Groom Jumps into Pond and Saves Little Boy from Drowning

Every bride and groom spend time thinking about what could possibly go wrong during their wedding day, but in the case of Clayton and Brittany Cook of Cambridge, Ontario, chances are they didn’t think of the following scenario. While posing for their post-wedding photo session, Clayton noticed a little boy in distress in the water and didn’t hesitate to jump into the water and save the drowning boy. The couple’s photographer, Darren Hatt, manages to capture the whole ordeal and told CTV Kitchener, “It was a commendable thing that he did and he sprung into action incredibly quick. Almost as soon as I realized what was going on, he had already saved the day.” No doubt, some things are impossible to plan, but that isn’t always a bad thing.

Dog Who Crashed Wedding Finds a Forever Home with Bride and Groom

When Marília and Matheus from São Paulo, Brazil, got married, they had to conduct the ceremony indoors due to a storm. However, they weren’t the only ones looking for shelter from the rain. A stray dog came in as the ceremony started but was taken outside by the guests of the wedding, but as the couple read their vows, it returned. “The dog entered and laid down to sleep on my veil,” Marília told The Dodo. This time, no one had the heart to send the dog back out into the storm and the dog stayed with the couple and their guests. Once the party was over, the couple looked for the dog but couldn’t find him. Having decided that they’ll adopt the dog if they found him, they started their search, and thankfully, after a week of searching they found and adopted the dog, who now goes by the name of Snoop.

If you need convincing that doing good can bring about a real change in the world, just check out this Ted Talk with Jacqueline Way, the founder of 365give.

Stay tuned for more good vibes stories, and if you haven’t downloaded Viber yet, do it today so you can share these happy stories with friends.